TUC Black Workers' Conference - Regional Council 28th July

The following Resolution submitted by LU Engineering was carried at the Regional Council meeting on 28th July.

This region demands that the RMT carries out its responsibility toward its Black Activists in regards to their entailment of Delegation to the TUC's Black Workers Conference from 2012 onwards
Having just over half of our delegation entailment present at this year's conference (8 -10 April 2011), greatly influenced the outcome for our candidate to the Race Relations Committee and increased his vote since we last stood a candidate.
Had we had our full entitlement, our candidate would have been guaranteed at least 15 votes from RMT members based on our current members' numbers.
Our ability to lobby would increase and will be greatly enhanced by our full entitlement for 2012 and beyond.
In the event of a shortfall in the normal election process, the proposal agreed and put forward by the RMT's own Black and Ethnic Minority members' conference should be applied.
If that does not result in the required amount, then the matter should be resolved via the last B&EMMA meeting before our conference in March each year.