RMT Currently Reject Grade Progression For Duty Managers !

Click '2 attachments' / file names to download this leaflet and the 'heads of agreement' on the issue that it refers to. Read the text below.

The RMT have today (03 Feb 2010) rejected the draft proposal of the Duty Manager Grade Progression.

We cannot accept that some of our members will have their pay frozen with example of how this would work based on a 3% (hopefully more) cost of living increase below. Year 1: £45,000 frozen + 3% = £1,350 paid in lump sum Year 2: £45,000 frozen + 3% cost of living rise = £1,350 paid in lump sum Year 3: £45,000 frozen + 3% cost of living rise = £1,350 paid in lump sum

And if the salary isn’t frozen.

Your pay if not frozen Year 1: £45,000 + 3% cost of living rise = £46,350.00 Year2: £46,350 + 3% cost of living rise = £47,740.50 Year3: £47,740.50 + cost of living rise = £49,172.72

This will have a knock on effect on your pension.

Those who have been in the grade for some time and already up the pay scale, if for whatever reason were deemed by their Centurion as not meeting the required standard they would be given a development opportunity and then performance managed. We all know what that means in this day and age, or should I say, “In the current climate” here’s your P45.

TSSA and Unite have agreed the proposals and intend to offer it up to their members with the recommendation they accept it. ASLEF didn’t show up.

More updates to follow!