RMT Black And Ethnic Minority Group Create Marcus Garvey Commemorative Brochure

100 years ago, renowned activist, leader & teacher Marcus Garvey, visited the UK for the first of many visits.

To commemorate the remarkable occasion and in time to participate with October's 'Black History month' celebrations, RMT BEM have helped commission a brochure, detailing the background and achievements of this legendary character's life.

This brochure will provide a great insight behind Marcus Garvey's motivations, leading many of his teachings to be often repeated and quoted today.

Please get in contact with any of your Local BEM committee officers

"Our union must know no clime, boundary, or nationality… to let us hold together under all climes and in every country"
- Marcus Garvey

or email us to order a copy.

In solidarity,

Glen Hart
Local BEM Committee Secretary