The Grinch who stole my Xmas pay cheque

Why should you be in the RMT when LUL tell you there’s no need as we treat all staff with a degree of courtesy and respect?


How about this little Xmas cracker!


Member has had a horrendous year of personal struggle and grief.

Mental Health issues and a promise of support from LUL following a failed suicide attempt.


2 day’s before Christmas company sick pay is pulled.

No explanation 

No warning

No compassion 

Vindictive, nasty, unnecessary.


The RMT stepped in and helped to stave off the worst Christmas ever.

LU claim it’s all a misunderstanding and no harm was meant, even though pleas from RMT Reps not to follow this dreadful path fell on deaf ears.


The pay has now been reinstated.

Grievance submitted.


But still management have not been able to process an emergency payment requested and agreed on December 22


Time to change says Mike Brown.

When are you going to tell your managers that means them Mike?


Compassion and care isn’t just for Xmas.